Redemption of cars

Fully responsive landing page with admin panel for car dealer company.The key featuresA website for a company which does the redemption of emergency and used cars. On the site you can see the description of the company, photos of cars for sale, general and contact information.You can see the following features:- Working contact form with validation- Admin panel allows to add e - mail address to income e - mails- Portfolio grid section with description of each car- Pictures of cars and descriptions can be easy added to page with the help of admin panel- Google map for description of the company's office location- Bold, colourful and stylish design responsive landing page with admin panel for car dealer company.

Redemption of cars

Сделано в Беларусь






Тип проекта: Веб-сайт
Страна: Беларусь
Категория: Прочее
Стиль: Big photo
Цвет: Красный